Folate, and the related folic acid or vitamin B9, is part of the vitamin B-complex family, which as a whole has cancer-preventative properties. The cancer-folate relationship is complex.
People with diets low in folate seem to have higher rates of cancer. Diets high in folate don't necessarily prevent cancer, but they don't seem to hurt. The lack of folate might enable cancer to get the upper hand, allowing mutations to occur unchecked.
Leafy green vegetables, asparagus, avocado, broccoli, beans, peas, lentils, okra, beets, bell peppers, papaya and oranges are all generally high in folate.
My family has a history of cancer. Two of my loved ones has already died because of cancer.
Nice blog.. short and informative. it is essential for cancer patient to change their diet. it effect good on their health. Thanks for sharing the blog. check this cancer treatment information